Village Block

Project Summary


3416 3 AV NW



Existing Land Use

Direct Control District

Proposed Land Use

Mixed Use - General (MU-1f4h28) District


57 affordable rental homes, ranging from ±450ft2 to ±700ft2 (mix of 1 and 2 bedroom, including 12 accessible units)

Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

4.0 FAR

Building Height

6 storeys / 28m

Vehicle Parking

Underground: 39 Resident & 5 Visitor Stalls
At-grade: 2 Commercial & 1 Loading Stall

Bicycle Parking

30 Class 1 & 6 Class 2 Stalls

Commercial / Retail Units (CRUs)

5 fine-grain CRUs fronting 3 AV NW

Amenity Space

285 sq. m. / 5 sq.m. per unit (combination of private and common amenity space)

Policy Alignment

The proposed land uses are aligned with the Parkdale Neighbourhood Activity Centre Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP), but it will require a minor amendment to enable a 6-storey building

Building Performance

>50% reduction in energy consumption and GHG emissions relative to the National Energy Code for Buildings NECB 2017


Full Universal Design for all building common areas and >20% of units (min. 12 units) to meet accessibility standards defined in the Alberta Building Code and by CMHC

Tenant Income Eligibility

Annual Combined Household Income to not exceed 65% of Calgary Median Income ($64,545)

Estimated Rental Rates

This will be a mixed rate building with rents averaging <63% of Median Market Rent, or approximately ±$740 for a one-bedroom and ±$800 for a two-bedroom per month

Housing Agreement

The tenant income eligibility and rental rates will be part of 40-year term Housing Agreement with The City of Calgary

Anticipated Completion

Targeting construction to start Q3 2024, with tenant occupancy Q4 2025

Project Team

Liberty Housing Organization
Bunt & Associates
Included by Design
Jubilee Engineering
Envirotech Engineering


  • Liberty Housing Organization is a non-profit committed to creating socially, financially, and environmentally responsible homes. Since our inception in 2015, we have developed nearly 500 affordable homes in the Calgary area, and our goal is to be on our way to delivering 2,500 units within the next 5 years through our innovative Ownership and affordable Rental Programs.

  • Liberty Housing Organization was selected as the preferred proponent to purchase the site from The City and lead the planning, design, development, and construction of Village Block through The City of Calgary’s non-market housing land disposition program.

    The concurrent Land Use and Development Permit applications, enabling the vision for Village Block, will undergo a comprehensive application review process by The City of Calgary’s Administration prior to any decision of Council.

    Liberty Housing Organization will also enter into a 40-year term Housing Agreement with The City of Calgary, ensuring the long-term affordability (with specific income eligibility criteria and rental rates) of Village Block units.

  • “The City of Calgary identifies a household as in need of affordable housing when it earns less than 65% of the Calgary area median income and spends more than 30 per cent of its gross income on shelter costs.” (Source: Home Is Here The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy 2024-2030).

    Village Block rents will average less than 63% of Median Market Rent, or approximately ±$740 for a one-bedroom and ±$800 for a two-bedroom per month. Liberty Housing Organization will enter into a 40-year term Housing Agreement with The City of Calgary, ensuring the long-term affordability of Village Block units.

  • Village Block will be owned, operated, and maintained by Liberty Housing Organization.

  • Village Block is a purpose-built rental. This will be a mixed rate building with rents averaging <63% of Median Market Rent, or approximately ±$740 for a one-bedroom and ±$800 for a two-bedroom per month. Liberty Housing Organization will enter into a 40-year term Housing Agreement with The City of Calgary, ensuring the long-term affordability of Village Block units.

  • The city of Calgary is experiencing a housing crisis, as identified by the 2023 Housing Needs Assessment. The Assessment found that 1 in 5 Calgary households cannot afford their housing and 81% are single and two-persons households. Therefore, Village Block proposes one- and two-bedroom units to best serve the largest group in need.

    Additionally, there is a spectrum of housing in each community as identified by the housing continuum. These range from emergency shelters to market-rate housing, each essential for accommodating community members from diverse backgrounds. Village Block adheres to specific income and rental rate criteria and falls within the Affordable Housing category of the housing continuum.

  • Future tenants of Village Block will have an Annual Combined Household Income below 65% of the Calgary Median Income ($64,545). All occupants will be required to re-qualify on an annual basis.

    For reference, starting salaries in Calgary for a Nurse is $72,800 / Elementary School Teacher $48,006 / Firefighter $75,004 (Source: Gov. of Canada)

  • 57 affordable rental homes are proposed. This will include a mix of 1 and 2 bedroom, along with 12 accessible units (to meet accessibility standards as defined in the Alberta Building Code and by CMHC). The units will range in size from ±450ft2 to ±700ft2.

  • There will be a total of 47 vehicle parking stalls on-site. This includes 39 Resident & 5 Visitor Stalls in an underground parkade, and 2 Commercial Stalls & 1 Loading Stall at-grade, accessed via the rear lane.

    The site will also include a total of 36 bicycle parking stalls. 30 Class 1 stalls in a secure bicycle storage room along with 6 Class 2 (publicly accessible) outside along 34 ST NW.

  • Designed to respond to the corner lot’s unique features and strategically located for enhanced connectivity, Village Block’s 6-storey vision is intended to complement the scale and character of the surrounding area. Committed to high-quality architecture, materials, and landscaping, Village Block is designed to be a lasting and complementary addition to the Parkdale community.

  • The project site is located within the boundary of the Parkdale Neighbourhood Activity Centre Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP, 2013), which encourages the development of primarily multi-residential housing with street-oriented commercial and retail uses. The proposed land use amendment is in alignment with the general intent of the ARP, but will require a minor amendment to allow for a 6-storey built form at this site, an increase from the 4-storey maximum currently supported in the ARP.

  • Similar to all Land Use and Development Permit applications, the applications for Village Block will go through a comprehensive review by City of Calgary Administration. The only difference is that they may be prioritized through the Non-Market Housing Priority Application Stream, expediting the review process and leading to a potentially faster Council decision.

  • Village Block will achieve >50% reduction in energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions relative to the National Energy Code for Buildings NECB 2017.

  • Village Block will include full Universal Design for all building common areas and >20% of units (min. 12 units) will meet accessibility standards defined in the Alberta Building Code and by CMHC.


Please note that the materials available for download are subject to change throughout the concurrent Land Use and Development Permit application process and are for discussion purposes only.

Oct. 2023 Media Release

Jan. 2024 Neighbour Mailer

Jan. 2024 Parkdale Post Newsletter Advertorial / Complete Jan. 2024 Edition

Jan. 2024 Conceptual Site Plan

Jan. 2024 Transportation Impact Assessment

Jan. 2024 Shadow Studies

Jan. 2024 Digital Information Session Presentation

Apr. 2024 Outreach Summary

News & Events

Digital Information Session — January 17, 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined the project team for a Digital Information Session on Wednesday, January 17 regarding this proposed change. The presentation slides have been uploaded under the ‘Downloads’ section for those interested in learning more.

Land Use Application Approved — May 7, 2024

Liberty Housing Organization is pleased to share that the land use application (file reference LOC2023-0412) was approved at Public Hearing by Calgary City Council on May 7, 2024. Following our targeted approval of the Development & Building Permits later this summer, Liberty Housing Organization will begin formalizing lease opportunities and construction details.

Get In Touch

Contact the Project Team

Outreach on this land use redesignation proposal has now concluded. An Applicant-Led Outreach Summary highlighting outreach strategies, commonly heard feedback themes, and project team responses is published for review under the ‘Downloads’ section on this page. If you would like to stay up-to-date on Village Block’s progress, please register via the e-newsletter form below.